Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) met with the Mondays Period Dignity Initiative

Sustainable Developpement Goals with Organic Mondays

Work with Mondays & help your company support their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDGs are a universal call to build a better world for our people and planet by 2030. In this blog we set out how partnering with Mondays to provide plastic-free, organic period products to employees, guests and/or students in your organisation can help achieve some of these SDGs.

Adopted by the UN General Assembly with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 17 SDGs, linked to 169 goals, form an amazing and bold action plan to free humanity from poverty and put the planet back on the path to sustainability.  

The Mondays team are excited to work with organisations across many sectors, both private and public to reach their SDGs, here in this article we explain which key SDGs we can help organisations with.  


Sustainable Development Goal #5 :
Gender Equality & Empower all Women and Girls

Mondays helps reduce gender inequality for a fully inclusive workplace
The first Sustainable Development Goal partnering with Mondays addresses is #5: GENDER EQUALITY and empowering all women and girls, in two key ways: 
  1. encouraging women's participation and decision-making in the workplace
  2. developing business relationships with women-owned enterprises.

“When designing an environment that is meant to work for everyone we need women in the room.” Caroline Criado Perez, Invisible Women

  1. Encourage women’s participation and decision-making in the workplace
Mondays encourages women's decision-making and participation in the workplace. The simple yet commonly overseen act of placing period products in the bathrooms (just like toilet paper, hand towels or soap!) means an essential product needed by 50% of the population is provided. 
To perform at her best she needs to be empowered to care for her natural needs with confidence, free from shame
86% of women/girls have started their period without the products they need at hand. By providing period products you increase engagement, focus & attendance.
  1. developing business relationships with women-owned enterprises

women-owned businesses earn less than 1% of large corporate and government spend with suppliers   

A company that chooses to work with Mondays is also showing a real commitment to SDG #5 Gender Equality as Mondays is a women-owned business and 100% managed by women. We all know that especially in some supplier segments (logistics, facilities, real estate services for example) it is difficult to diversify the supply chain, but being committed to global supplier diversity and inclusion is we know key to building sustainable future communities and a successful organisation. 

Your organisation will diversify their supply chain, support a women-led business and achieve real change within society and the organisation itself by doing business with Mondays.


Are you looking to improve your Sustainable Development Goals or want to improve gender equality in your business?

Mondays helps companies take key business actions and solutions to support the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Learn more via our For Business page on our website to bring gender equality to your business now!


Sustainable Development Goal #6:
Clean Water and Sanitation

 Goal 6 aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Water and sanitation are critical to the health of people and the planet. Goal 6 not only addresses the issues relating to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), but also the quality and sustainability of water resources worldwide. Improvements in drinking water, sanitation and hygiene are essential for progress in other areas of development too, such as nutrition, education, health and gender equality.

This Sustainable Development Goal is supported by a partnership with Mondays in two main ways: 
    1. Sustainable water management
    2. Raise awareness about hygiene practices 
  1. Educate about appropriate water behaviours
Mondays pads and tampons are plastic-free and produced with 100% organic cotton. The production of GOTS certifiedorganic cotton allows the water consumption used to be reduced by 90% versus conventional cotton. The use of synthetic pesticides is also not permitted in the growth of GOTS certified organic cotton. The excessive use of man made fertilisers combined with the high volumes of water needed for irrigation in conventional cotton means nitrates and toxic chemicals are leached into our waterways when non-organic cotton is grown. Nitrogen pollution can cause ocean dead zones, which kill fish and other aquatic life. The toxic chemicals poison our rivers, oceans and seas, killing plants and wildlife far from the crop fields.
"Simply put an organic product is one that has been grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilisers or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farming promotes an ecological balance through the conservation of resources and the protection of our fragile biodiversity.” - Nancy Saddington 
Organisations that provide Mondays organic cotton products can further educate their employees, students and guests about the benefits of plastic-free, organic cotton products (minimising water use and reduce water pollution) and thus expand the impact of this SDG #6. Read Nancy, our CEO’s interview for more on the benefits of plastic-free and organic cotton period products on our planet. 


Mondays tampons are made with organic cotton that uses 90% less water to be produced

  1. Raise awareness about hygiene practices
Secondly, Mondays is committed to raising awareness about best hygiene practices, including offering organic and biodegradable products that are friendly to the human body and the planet. 
Transparency is the key to educated hygiene practices and that's why Mondays needs to engage with the subject of what our products are made of and how they should be used. We all know that hygiene products, regardless of their ingredients, should never be flushed down the toilet. Unfortunately, in some situations, these hygienic practices simply cannot be followed; many toilets are still not equipped with waste bins, making it difficult to ensure that hygienic practices are followed. According to the Journal of the Institution of Environmental Sciences, approximately 700,000 panty liners, 2.5 million tampons and 1.4 million sanitary towels are flushed down the toilet in the UK every day. 
For full compliance with hygiene practices it is important to provide bins in toilets for the disposal of used sanitary products and thus make users aware of the devastating effects of water pollution if products are flushed down the toilet.

Are you looking to improve your Sustainable Development Goals or want to improve Clean Water and Sanitation in your business?

Mondays helps companies take key business actions and solutions to support the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Learn more via our For Business page on our website to bring clean water and sanitation to your business now!

Sustainable Development Goal #12:
Responsible Consumption and Production

The socioeconomic and demographic changes will increase demand for already constrained natural resources. Another SDG that can help your company highlight its commitment to environmentally friendly initiatives is to address #12 - Responsible Consumption and Production. 
By providing Mondays menstrual products, you are making a choice to source sustainable products and service that respect environmental and societal causes and address the key themes of this SDG:
  • sustainable sourcing
  • resource efficiency
  • procurement practices
  • product information and labelling
Responsible Consumption and Production SDG Goals
Mondays menstrual products and the dispenser itself are sustainably designed and allow your employees to use the products in a healthy way that respects their bodies and the planet. 
Opt for a period care solution that respects ecological and societal causes:
Mondays period products, tampons and pads are 100% organic and plastic-free. The cotton used in the tampons and inside the pads is untreated and completely organic. Turning to 100% cotton products is a great option that is beneficial to the planet as organic cotton production reduces the use of pesticides by 98%. Organic soils are also up to 25% more efficient at storing carbon in the long term and in general organic cotton production reduces water consumption by 90%. 
Choosing Mondays menstrual products also allows your company to educate your employees towards the use of plastic-free products. Mondays tampons and pads are 100% plastic-free and packaged in recycled and recyclable material. The material used to package Mondays  pads looks very much like plastic, but it is actually a biodegradable material made from cornstarch and vegetable oils. This material is completely fossil-fuel free and compostable. Mondays tampons are wrapped in paper and have a recycled cardboard applicator. 
If you have opted or would like to opt for Mondays period dispensers, you should know that they are manufactured in a local company in Biel, Switzerland that is an expert in soldering and metal working. The family business is now entirely in the hands of two women, Veronique and Sabrina, who do their utmost to respect their core business and deliver a modern and sleek final product, just like Mondays.
Mondays adds value to your business by providing environmentally friendly menstrual care products that are 100% made in Europe: the tampons are made in Germany, the pads in Italy and our dispensers are made in Switzerland.

Mondays is committed to complete transparency when it comes to product labeling. The list of ingredients in tampons and sanitary pads is fully available on our website.

Are you looking to improve your Sustainable Development Goals or want to improve Responsible Consumption and Production in your business? 

Mondays helps companies take key business actions and solutions to support the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Learn more via our For Business page on our website to bring Responsible Consumption and Production to your business now!