You purchase, we donate. We're committed to the future of our planet. That's why 1% of Mondays' sales go to environmental and social causes.
period dignity
Menstrual health has long been an under-the-radar topic - characterised by mystery, confusion, shame, lack of information and one-size-fits-all solutions.
50% of the world's population have periods. That makes them a natural biological fact.
Periods shouldn't hold anyone back.
We believe that helping women to understand and care for their bodies better, wherever they're at in life, changes lives for the better.
Organic Cotton
Plastic Free
Fragrance Free
"It wasn't until I was having my first baby that I learnt from my midwide that period products were not just wrapped in plastic but they contained plastic too. She explained that they were not healthy to use after the birth of my child. For me, it was a light-bulb moment.
"Only years later, when Nancy told me about plastics in period products, I made the switch myself to organic products. As my daughters started puberty I wanted to introduce them to organic and healthy period products, to give them the best start in their journey to womenhood."
plastic free period products
We founded Mondays with the core belief that plastics don't belong in period products.
It matters. For you and the planet. Join us and together we'll make change happen.
Our values
You purchase, we donate. We're committed to the future of our planet. That's why 1% of Mondays' sales go to environmental and social causes.
What's inside matters. You need to trust the products you use will work and are healthy. That's why we're transparent about the ingredients.
Periods shouldn't hold anyone back which is why we're working hard to make sure period products are available whenever and wherever they're needed.
I am particularly pleased that this uncomplicated measure can relieve young women of a burden and save them from embarrassing situations.
An organization that cares for its employees attends to even the smallest details. It is subtle gestures – like providing free organic sanitary products from Mondays in restrooms – that create an environment of inclusion, wellbeing, and respect, fostering a truly great employee experience.
We’re delighted to Partner with Mondays and most importantly our female employees think it’s a great idea.