Mondays free vend period product dispensers are a professional solution ideal for businesses, schools, and stadiums. Install dispensers for a 25% reduction in consumption of period products and a 90% time saving for FM teams*

Applicator tampons regular

Compatible with combi, triple & quad dispensers

Applicator tampons super

Compatible with triple & quad dispensers

Digital (non-applicator) tampons regular

Compatible with combi D dispensers

Pads mid flow

Compatible with all Mondays dispensers

Pads heavy flow

Compatible with all Mondays dispensers

Pantyliners light flow

Ideal to use in combination wth tampons

Ready to display period care kits

Suitable for bathrooms with low footfall

Pads heavy flow SPECIAL OFFER

Compatible with all Mondays dispensers

*Source: Pilot study Zürich Insurance x Mondays 2023
Organic Mondays Organic Cotton Period Products Pesticide Free

Period products made with GOTS certified organic cotton, free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.

Use Mondays products you can trust for one of the most absorbent parts of your body

Organic Mondays Organic Cotton Period Products Fragrance Free

We founded Mondays with the core belief that perfumes & plastics don't belong in period products.