A letter from Nancy, co-founder of Organic Mondays

nancy, co-founder of sustainable period products organic mondays
Author: Nancy Saddington

Purpose is in our blood

Hi I'm Nancy,  CEO & Co-founder of Mondays.

I would like to share my journey and the motivation to found Mondays along with Elisabeth, and why it is that our shared core mission is to make it easy & convenient to have plastic-free and organic cotton periods.

Sanitary pads are made of plastic?!

Shortly after the birth of my son, my midwife told me the pads we used were made up to 90% out of plastic (not including the packaging). She strongly recommended that I use for atleast post-partum I use organic cotton period products. I began to realise to my horror how commercial period products could affect my health, as well as seriously pollute the environment, and had until then been totally unaware of what I was using.

Did you know that a pack of the best-selling pads can take more than 450 years to decompose? I certainly didn't!

Read more here

Organic cotton period products aren't that easy to find

So I scouted out for plastic-free products. I found some options, but they weren't easy to source and often the products I needed weren't available. On top of that I would constantly get caught short and had to do too many emergency trips! It began to drive me crazy, how could it be so difficult to find a better alternative for something so common?

Being a mother of three and a full time entrepreneur, I really needed a way of getting my plastic-free period products without this hassle.

It was my husband after he subscribed to a shaving subscription box, that mentioned that I should look for a period subscription box. Well after searching the internet and asking friends, I realised quickly that there was little choice especially as I really wanted my period products to be plastic-free and made with organic cotton.

.. that's how Mondays was born! Elisabeth and I founded the first Swiss, women-owned, subscription-based femtech brand that allows women to get healthier and eco-friendly period products delivered to their door as often as they need!

Organic Mondays born to make periods better in every way!

Founders Organic Mondays

Our mission goes, however, further than just making plastic-free periods easy. We want to open up the conversation about menstruation and increase women, as well as men's, knowledge about periods and our menstrual cycle.

We also want to inspire others to join us in making a positive impact on our environment by consuming less plastic. 

1% of every sale goes to charity

Mondays is, since our launch, a member of 1% for the Planet, a network of companies and charities who are committed to addressing climate change. 1% Tor The Planet was founded by the founders of Patagonia and Blue River. What it means for us as a member is that for every sale we make, we donate 1% of directly to our chosen 1% For the Planet Partner. Our chosen charity is the #plasticfreeperiods educational and environmental non-profit City to Sea. With a core mission to 'prevent plastic polllution at source' we feel we are closely aligned and are blown away by the work they do. They have won countless number of awards for their Re-fill , Switch the Stick and Re-think Periods campaigns. Natalie Fee, the founder has a done a Ted Talk and written a super book for anyone looking to make those small steps to cutting plastic out of their lives.

Join us by making the switch to plastic free periods & be part of the movement for better periods for all!

by Nancy, CEO & Co-Founder Organic Mondays