Pourquoi le nom Mondays?

Auteur : Nancy Saddington

On nous demande souvent pourquoi le nom Mondays?

The word Monday actually originates from the Latin language dies lunae which means “day of the Moon” and as our periods follow a lunar cycle, there is a natural affinity between menstruation and Mondays. And did you know that the word menstruation from the Latin mense (meaning month) and the Greek mene (meaning moon). Put it all together and we have an interesting synergy between Mondays, menstruation and the Moon.

Then there is also the emotional connection!  Monday is a day many dread, just as many women dread their periods!  It struck a cord, another natural fit!

Sans parler de tous les aspects pratiques : une entreprise a besoin d'un nom facile à épeler, mémorable et n'appartenant à aucune autre marque... Nous sommes fiers de dire que Mondays est unique.

Here at Mondays we LOVE Mondays!  We want you to love Mondays too!  Let’s celebrate the first day of the week as an exciting day to begin anew, make a change, start new projects, make a commitment to do more of what we love…

En bref, pourquoi le nom Mondays? Tout simplement parce que nous voyons que c'est un grand jour pour commencer...

I Love Mondays because it is a great way to start ... my period